The Swedish government takes a clear stance on nicotine pouches throughout the EU

On Wednesday, an incredibly strong statement came from the Swedish government in response to the Chairman of the Committee on Industry and Trade in the Swedish Parliament regarding nicotine pouches. More and more people have begun to celebrate the Swedish success in soon becoming smoke-free. There are several reasons for this success, and much is […]

Bloomberg highlights Sweden’s low smoking rates

On friday morning, the news agency Bloomberg drew attention to Sweden’s low smoking rates and delved into the underlying reasons for this trend. He is Pouch Patrol’s comments on the article. Sweden have 135 smoking-related deaths per 100,000 men, compared to the EU’s 296 smoking-related deaths per 100,000 men. If Swedish tobacco and nicotine legislation […]

The European Parliament takes a stand against the European Commission

On Wednesday, December 13, the European Parliament will vote on the report on non-communicable diseases prepared by the Committee on Public Health. We at Pouch Patrol encourage all Members of the European Parliament who care about reducing smoking-related mortality to vote in favor. Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) account for the majority of premature deaths worldwide, including […]

Take Action – Shape the Future of Nicotine Pouches in the EU

Pouch patrol have previously reported on the concerning attempts by the EU Commission to push its own agenda ahead of COP10, putting democratic principles at risk. These actions undermine the fundamental principle that EU decisions should be made with respect for the rights of member states and the democratic representation of citizens. This is turn poses a threat toward alternative nicotine products, and in turn the public health of Europe.

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