New Swedish Study: Snus has minimal effects on the body

13th Jun 2022

Nicotine in Swedish snus does not affect the body very much at all, according to a new study from Linköping University. The researcher likens the effect of snus on the body to coffee and says that the study provides justification for leaving snus more at peace.

In May, Fredrik Nyström, professor and senior physician in internal medicine at Linköping University, published a study on the short-term effects of snus on metabolism and hormones when eating a meal. The study shows that the nicotine caused a slight rise in blood pressure and that the body’s cortisol rose in the short term, but that the metabolism was unchanged.

The results of the study indicate that nicotine in snus does not affect the body very much at all

– It is striking that snus does not have as great of an effect on the body’s hormones as many people think or want to claim. My study shows that very little happens to the body, there was no change in insulin or blood sugar levels, and the appetite-regulating hormones did not change either. Which suggests that nicotine is not so dangerous, says Fredrik Nyström.

Fredrik Nyström usually encourages his patients who have switched from smoking to snus that it is a great health benefit because it is smoking that is dangerous, not nicotine.

– I think the study justifies that we can leave the snus more at peace, he says.

The most common reason for starting to use snus or nictotine pouches is a wish to stop smoking

Markus Lindblad, a representative for the world’s largest e-retailer of nicotine pouches, Haypp Group, is happy to see politicians and decision-makers absorb new findings to a greater extent:

– Harm-reducing alternatives, such as snus and nicotine pouches, are the right way forward to get more people to quit smoking. Our customers state that by far the most common reason for starting to use snus or nicotine pouches is a wish to stop smoking. There is a need for legislation that values ​​tobacco and nicotine products according to their individual harmful effects.

Read the entire press release here.

Read more about the study in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence.