Finland resorting to new measures in the fight against tobacco – what about Nicotine Pouches?
26th Apr 2022
The finish politicians are taking new measures in the battle against smoking. This spring, the political parties will agree on the next Government Platform. We need your help in ensuring that nicotine pouches will be a part of the upcoming discussions.
Towards a tobacco-free Finland 2030
Finland boldly legislated the end of tobacco use in its 2010 Tobacco Act, and subsequently expanded the goal in 2016 to eradicate other nicotine-containing products. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health has subsequently launched comprehensive, yet very conventional measures to prevent initiation and promote cessation.
Recently, the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health appointed a working group that will promote the objectives of the Tobacco Act, which presupposes smoking prevention- and cessation measures. Furthermore, the Ministry has entered an amendment that further tightened restrictions on outdoor smoking, effective January 1st, 2022. The revised law also called for brand names and logos to be moved from cigarette cartons under a so-called plain packaging scheme, starting from the beginning of 2023.
Many of the proposed measures are effective in reducing smoking rates but may not be sufficient in reaching the goal of most smoking endgames (5%). A perceived threat is the limited availability of alternative nicotine products. The current restrictions around snus and nicotine pouches are directly harming those looking to quit smoking. Targeting alternative nicotine products means attacking an important lifeline for smokers, potentially hurting people’s chances of quitting. As shown in other Scandinavian countries, legal low-risk products can be an influential means of reducing the prevalence of smoking.
Make history: Tell your Member of Parliament
This spring, the political parties will agree on the next Government Platform. This will lay the foundation for the direction of politics during the next mandate period (2023 – 2027). We want Nicotine Pouches to be a part of these discussions. Therefore, it is crucial that our opinions on alternative nicotine products are raised now.
Have alternative nicotine products, such as nicotine pouches, helped you quit cigarettes? If so, please share your personal story; how did you do it and how has it affected your life quality?
Tell your local Member of Parliament! Send them an e-mail on how alternative nicotine products changed your quality of life. You can find the contact details for your Member of Parliament here. Kindly, share the response you receive for us to use in our political effort to assure the future of nicotine pouches. Please send your mail to